Diverticulopexia no tratamento do divertículo de Zenker

Zenker´s diverticulum is a pseudodiverticulum through a muscular defect in the posterior pharyngeal wall at the area between the inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles of the pharynx and the cricopharyngeus muscle. Although endoscopic techniques have made significant progress, the surgical treatment remains the gold standard. There are two main techniques: diverticulectomy (resection of the diverticulum) and diverticulopexy. The main advantages of diverticulopexy are mostly linked to the absence of an esophageal anatomosis and its possible complications: cervical fistulae, mediastinitis, esophageal stenosis and wound infection, which allows a rapid recover with satisfactory oral intake. The purpose of this article is to describe in details the technique for diverticulopexy to the prevertebral ligament in association with a miotomy of the cricopharyngeus muscle.