LDDWRR: Least Delay Dynamic Weighted Round-Robin Load Balancing in Software Defined Networking

In traditional network devices, tight coupling of data plane with the control plane so large amount of traffic on the web is not correctly handled by the Traditional network devices. The emerging strategy that decoupled the data plane from control plane is called Software Defined Networking (SDN). Control plane of these devices act like a brain or master. It is also called Software Defined networking controller or Openflow controller. Data plane is called slave that behave according to the instructions given by the master or control plane. To convert a data plane into powerful network devices we have to create Firewall, Load balancer, Intrusion Detection system applications and then run that applications at management plane that is on top of control plane. In such a manner we can convert data plane into powerful network devices according to the application. The application that we have created on the top of control plane is load balancer application that convert the dumb data plane into load balancer. Load balancer architecture consists of number of servers and clients which distributed the client traffic among number of servers based on particular strategy. There are number of strategies are available such as Round Robin, random policy. Each load balancing policy has some advantages and disadvantages. We created “least delay dynamic weighted round robin (LDDWRR)” strategy in this paper and run on the top of SDN controller. Then we evaluate the result of our load balancing strategy by comparing with the round robin strategy. Mininet is used for the experiment and controller that is used as control plane is called POX controller.