CS-MRI reconstruction based on analysis dictionary learning and manifold structure regularization

Compressed sensing (CS) significantly accelerates magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by allowing the exact reconstruction of image from highly undersampling k-space data. In this process, the high sparsity obtained by the learned dictionary and exploitation of correlation among patches are essential to the reconstructed image quality. In this paper, by a use of these two aspects, we propose a novel CS-MRI model based on analysis dictionary learning and manifold structure regularization (ADMS). Furthermore, a proper tight frame constraint is used to obtain an effective overcomplete analysis dictionary with a high sparsifying capacity. The constructed manifold structure regularization nonuniformly enforces the correlation of each group formed by similar patches, which is more consistent with the diverse nonlocal similarity in realistic images. The proposed model is efficiently solved by the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), in which the fast algorithm for each sub-problem is separately developed. The experimental results demonstrate that main components in the proposed method contribute to the final reconstruction performance and the effectiveness of the proposed model.

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