Theoretical Studies on the Effects of Dispersal Corridors on the Permanence of Discrete Predator-Prey Models in Patchy Environment

We study two discrete predator-prey models in patchy environment, one without dispersal corridors and one with dispersal corridors. Dispersal corridors are passes that allow the migration of species from one patch to another and their existence may influence the permanence of the model. We will offer sufficient conditions to guarantee the permanence of the two predator-prey models. By comparing the two permanence criteria, we discuss the effects of dispersal corridors on the permanence of the predator-prey model. It is found that the dispersion of the prey from one patch to another is helpful to the permanence of the prey if the population growth of the prey is density dependent; however, this dispersion of the prey could be disadvantageous or advantageous to the permanence of the predator. Five numerical examples are presented to confirm the theoretical results obtained and to illustrate the effects of dispersal corridors on the permanence of the predator-prey model.

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