대학의 기술이전 및 사업화를 위한 접근방안 고찰
The technology transfer and commercialization in university which has became the center of public interest under Bayh-Dole Act gives the measure of university activities in the United States and starts to have an effect on regional and national economic development. Of course, the direct impact of technology transfer and commercialization in universities on the economy of the United States is relatively small yet. Also revenues of universities from the technology transfer and commercialization are not as much as to cover their research funds. Above all, most universities do not withdraw the invested capital from their technology transfer and commercialization. Nevertheless, 27 universities in the United States have made more than one million dollar for a period of 2007 from the technology transfer and commercialization, Columbia university has made 135.6 million dollars, and most of all, NYU has made 791 million dollars which amounted to 2.5 times as much as total research fund. In this paper, the present state of the technology transfer and commercialization in the United States centering around Cornell university is surveyed and several schemes for a success in technology transfer and commercialization will be drawn up for Korean universities. To sum up, it is important for universities to have a deep concern on technology transfer and commercialization, to secure human and material resources over the long term, and to strengthen capability and ability of the technology transfer centers and managers. Also faculties as an inventor should have an active mind on technology transfer and commercialization, and combine with an entrepreneur who has a spirit of true venture. First and foremost, universities need to understand the technology transfer and commercialization as not a golden goose but a fertile training ground for implanting venture-mind in their students and a driving force of the development of a local society through the academic-industrial cooperation.