NURBS곡면기반의 기하학적 모델링과 셸 유한요소해석의 연동
The linkage framework of geometric modeling based on NURBS(Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) surface and shell finite analysis is developed in the present study. For this purpose, geometrically exact shell finite element is implemented. NURBS technology is employed to obtain the exact geometric quantities for the analysis. Especially, because NURBS is the most powerful and wide-spread method to represent general surfaces in the field of computer graphics and CAD(Computer Aided Design)industry, the direct computation of surface geometric quantities from the NURBS surface equation without approximation shows great potential for the integration between geometrically exact shell finite element and geometric modeling in the CAD systems. Some numerical examples are given to verify the performance and accuracy of the developed linkage framework. In additions, trimmed surfaces with some cutouts are considered for more practical applications.