Choreographic morphologies: digital visualisation of spatio-temporal structure in dance and the implications for performance and documentations

Ersatz Dance and the e-dance project: James Hewison was a research collaborator, creative artist and performer in the e-dance project (funded by JISC, AHRC £400,000.00) from 2008 to 2010. Professor Helen Bailey (University of Bedfordshire) was the Principal Investigator with co-investigators from University of Manchester and The Open University. The project’s artistic and practice-based output was realised through the work of Ersatz Dance Company (Dir. Bailey), for which Hewison was an Associate Director, creative-collaborator and performer. The following research paper was an output from the e-dance project: Bailey, H., Hewison, J., Turner. M. (2008) “Choreographic Morphologies: digital visualisation of spatio-temporal structure in dance and the implications for performance and documentation” in EVA2008 International Conference Proceedings, British Computing Society, UK ISBN 978-1-906124-07-6.