Effects and mitigation of multipath on GPS/Galileo

A conventional method to mitigate multipath errors in GNSS receivers is the strobe correlator, which achieves discriminator function shaping by combining two different narrow-correlator discriminators [1] [2]. The method performs a good performance when the difference in delays of direct and reflected signal is biggish in GPS scenario. Nevertheless, the performance of the method is not so good for Galileo scenario. The advent of the European navigation system Galileo has made it an exigent requirement to develop the receiver that can track Galileo signals as well as GPS signals. So, a better way should be groped for to mitigate both GPS and Galileo multipath errors. In the paper, a novel multipath mitigation scheme, named Early-Late Strobe Correlator (ELSC), was presented for both GPS and Galileo signals. By the Matlab simulation to the method, multipath errors could be mitigated effectively by using ELSC, especially to Galileo signals. The experiment results show that more excellent performances can be obtained by adopting ELSC presented in the paper with respected to the strobe correlator, although this will result in a more complex structure of discriminators.