Renewable energy policies and market developments

This report presents reviews and an analysis of the policy support for the stimulation of renewable electricity in the current energy market, as well as an overview of the main new developments influencing the renewable energy market. It has been written as part of the analysis phase of the project REMAC 2000, which has led to the publication of a roadmap for the acceleration of the RE market. REMAC 2000 aims to promote a sustainable growth of the renewable energy market. For such a sustainable growth, important success factors are not only effectiveness of policy, but also security for investors, which is essential for building up a sector and developing the renewable energy market. Consistency of regulations and policies at different levels and between policy fields form a condition for security, as does the active involvement of market stakeholders. Further, the increasing role of trade within the energy and renewable energy sector leads to a priority for international coherence of policies and markets. To guarantee a sustainable growth of the renewable energy sector, a broad perspective of policy makers and planners is requiredto include a long timeframe, a comprehensive view of related policy fields and authorities involved, and an orientation that looks beyond national borders. 1 (ENEL, Green Power).