As modern organizations become more agile and support more complex business processes, acquiring the right set of talent is becoming crucial for their operations. One of the key talent acquisition problems is staffing a team that has requirement for multiple job descriptions, from a pool of external candidates. This team hiring problem may arise for (i) a new organization, (ii) a new group in an existing organization, or (iii) an existing group that faces high attrition level. This paper presents a Talent Acquisition Decision Support System (TADSS) that provides decision support for team hiring. The system first builds a weighted graph based model for the three types of Human Resource (HR) entities in the problem setup (jobs, employees and candidates), and the inter-relationship among them. Next, an algorithm based on spectral embedding of the HR Graph is used to select teams. The system then provides an interactive team selection and comparison interface based on the HR Graph. Simulation-based evaluations show the effectiveness of the proposed system in team formation.
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Spectral Graph Theory
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Efficient multifaceted screening of job applicants
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Clustering and Embedding Using Commute Times
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