Design and development of computer aided knoeledge base system for non-symmetrical sheet metal forming process

A computer aided knowledge base system for non-symmetrical sheet metal forming process has been designed which helps selection and optimal process planning for non-symmetrical sheet metal operations. The software has three main modules, which are: threedimensional modelling module, blank design module and process planning module. Furthermore, the system provides appropriate instruction in guiding process plan for nonsymmetrical sheet metal as well. Yet, the system has some limitations in terms of consistency, flexibility and user friendliness for non technical background users. This paper also describes the methods which can improve the system consistency, flexibility and integrate program interface as well. Few approaches are carried out in order to customise and enhance its native ability. Since the existing system is operating in AutoCAD, mark-up and programming languages such as HTML, AutoLISP and VBA are implemented in order to solve these problems.