O acolhimento como boa prática na atenção básica à saúde

The purpose of this study was to understand user embracement as a good practice for use in primary health care, according to the perceptions of administrators, health professionals and patients, considering the dimensions of dialogue, attitude and reorganization of health services. It consists of a descriptive-analytical investigation, of a qualitative nature. The Grounded Theory was used as the theoretical-methodological referential. Data were obtained through interviews performed with seven coordinators, ten professionals and twelve patients of the Health Centers of Florianopolis-SC. Under the perspective of good practices, user embracement becomes a point of intersection between different subjects and primary health care practices, unfolding the dimensions of embracement- dialogue, embracement-attitude and embracement-reorganization of services. User embracement triggers transformations in the working process, in the relationships established in the care spaces and in the organizational scope of the services. The interconnection of this triad reconfigures and changes the actions in primary health care and contributes to the consolidation of this health care model. DESCRIPTORS: User embracement. Primary health care. Public health practice. Unified Health System.