Grass species of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary in Karnataka, India

Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in the Western Ghats region of Karnataka and it is a home for diverse flora and fauna. The Sanctuary represents dry deciduous, moist deciduous and evergreen type of vegetation. Present study was under taken (2004–2006) to survey, identify, and document and to know the economic importance of grass species in four ranges of the Sanctuary. Results of the present study indicated that 67 grass species belonging to 48 genera and 9 tribes are growing in the Sanctuary and 36 species are known for their fodder and forage values. Lakkavalli range harboured 50 grass species followed by Tanigebylu and Hebbe (39 each). Many grass species have not been documented in the literature. This is the first report on the grass species of the Sanctuary.