Cognitive computing and augmented intelligence in man-system integration: Impact on C2 HQ key processes

Teaser For who has exercised high-level responsibilities in an operational headquarters, to imagine having at his disposal a relevant Assessment process, an effective Wargaming machine for his planning teams and a system running a perfect Critical Information process to support his main decisions should be sense as a dream. That could have changed his life and more importantly the outcome of his operations! Technology is there and that's what our Research and Study Team is all about. We combine Aca-demia, Basic and Applied Research and the Military Institution. The core idea starts with our vision of C2 as a Cognitive engine with a strong Human/Systems teaming in support of a strategy. From there, we believe that any future evolution of C2 will have to be processed through 3 methodologies which are UX, for User eXperience, well known today, KX, for Knowledge eXchange, at the heart of what the new cognitive tools will bring, and HX, for Hybri-dity eXtension, which leads to Human Augmentation. We are at the beginning of our research project. What we intent presenting is the way we have designed it, and the path leading to a possible future for C2. Abstract from research project presentation The history of human thought augmentation is confused with that of calculation, of numbers, and of their use. The epic of automatic calculation thus structured history and politics, religions and myths, but also allowed the advent of science and the development of technologies. Today we are facing a breakthrough in tools and methods, but also in the field of assisted thinking, promoting new capabilities and new perspectives for understanding and mastering the organization of the world. Recent developments in intensive computing, parallelism and artificial intelligence allow considering a real technological assistance in the management of sociotechnical crises, and especially in the management of new type of conflicts. C2 is precisely at the heart of this evolution. A C2 vision Deeply impregnated with technology, C2 is designed to plan, direct and control groups of people and means made available to commanders to carry out military objectives. C2 corresponds to the implementation of a theoretical "machine" in support of a strategy, relying on data collecting and processing devices, communication and information systems, in order to implement decisions and generate effects. This machine includes a set of processes, methods and knowledge management techniques known as the C2 "cognitive circle". ! 1