An experimental study on condensation of refrigerant R134a in a multi-port extruded tube

In the present study, the local characteristics of pressure drop and heat transfer are investigated experimentally for the condensation of pure refrigerant R134a in two kinds of 865 mm long multi-port extruded tubes having eight channels in 1.11 mm hydraulic diameter and 19 channels in 0.80 mm hydraulic diameter. The pressure drop is measured at an interval of 191 mm through small pressure measuring ports. The local heat transfer rate is measured in every subsection of 75 mm in effective cooling length using heat flux sensors. It is found that the experimental data of frictional pressure drop agree with the correlation of Mishima and Hibiki [Trans. JMSE (B) 61 (1995) 99], while the correlations of Chisholm and Laird [Trans. ASME 80 (1958) 227], Soliman et al. [Trans. ASME, Ser. C 90 (1998) 267], and Haraguchi et al. [Trans. JSME (B) 60 (1994) 239], overpredict. As a trial, the data of local heat transfer coefficient are also compared with correlations of Moser et al. [J. Heat Transfer 120 (1998) 410] and Haraguchi et al. [Trans. JSME (B) 60 (1994) 245]. The data of high mass velocity agree with the correlation of Moser et al., while those of low mass velocity show different trends. The correlation of Haraguchi et al. shows the trend similar to the data when the shear stress in their correlation is estimated using the correlation of Mishima and Hibiki.