조선시대 소규표(小圭表)의 개발 역사와 구조적 특징

In this paper, we have studied Sogyupyo (小圭表, small noon gnomon) of the Joseon dynasty. According to the Veritable Records of King Sejong (世宗, 1418 - 1450), Daegyupyo (大圭表, large noon gnomon) with a height of 40-feet [尺] was constructed by Jeong, Cho (鄭招) and his colleagues in 1435, and installed around Ganuidae (簡儀臺, platform of Ganui). On the contrary, the details of Sogyupyo are unknown although the shadow length measurements by Daegyupyo and Sogyupyo are found on the Veritable Records of King Myeongjong (明宗, 1545 - 1567). By analysing historical documents and performing experiments, we have investigated the construction details of Sogyupyo including its development year, manufacturer, and installation spot. We have found that Sogyupyo would be manufactured by King Sejong in 1440 and placed around Ganuidae. And Sogyupyo would be five times smaller than Daegyupyo, i.e., 8-feet. On the basis of experiments, we suggest that although it is smaller, Sogyupyo was equipped with a bar [橫梁] and a pin-hole projector [影符] like Daegyupyo in order to produce the observation precision presented in the Veritable Record of King Myeongjong.