Cutting-Edge Research in Developing the Library of the Future: New Paths for Building Future Services

Introduction Chapter 1: Predictive analytics in libraries Lauren Magnuson Chapter 2: Rethinking service models: mobilizing library access for all platforms April Grey and Rachel Isaac-Menard Chapter 3: Taming the Kudzu: an academic library's experience with web content strategy Ian Demsky and Suzanne Chapman Chapter 4: Hollywood in the library: librarians and video production Laura Staley Chapter 5: Using research-based guidelines for developing mobile information technologies: a literature review and recommendations Dawn Paschal, Don Zimmerman, and Teresa Yohon Chapter 6: Essential skills for managing electronic resources in a digital campus environment Shannon Regan Chapter 7: E-resources workflows in the age of discovery Amy Fry Chapter 8: On the brink of linked open data: evolving workflows and staff expertise Cory K. Lampert and Silvia Southwick