Telemedicine, health information networks, and computer-based patient records

My name is Luis Kun and I am chairing this conference. Today we are going to discuss issues dealing with telemedicine, health information networks and computer based patient records. We have people here representing very different aspects or views perhaps of the same problems. Some coming from the academic side like Dr. Warren Grundfest, who is a medical doctor. In other instances we have some people like Dr. David who represents a series of hospitals, Dr. Michael Fitzmaurice representing government, Jeff Blair representing industry, IBM, in terms of health systems. And we have Louis Lorton from Host, which represents a solution as I see it, combining government, industry and academia. It's a new way of perhaps solving problems in health care. He's part of the AlP program of NEST [Department of Commerce sponsored program]. What I would like to do now, is give a few minutes to each of the participants in the panel to introduce themselves so the audience will have an idea of who they are and how they are involved in this field and what institutions they represent. After that we will go into a round table format with the audience. I would like, if possible, for all of you, when making a comment or question, to introduce yourselves, stating your name and the institution that you represent. I'm going to be acting as a moderator. So, Dr. David, if you could start by introducing yourself.