Abstract Toxic products are the main cause of fire injuries and deaths, but available methods for measuring or calculating toxic product yields have severe limitations. Full-scale or large-scale experimental re-creations of fire scenarios are sometimes used for the assessment of toxic hazard, but such tests are expensive, while small-scale or even larger-scale tests often provide poor simulations of full-scale conditions. From a testing and engineering calculation perspective there is a need for test methods to provide data-enabling calculations of toxic product yields in defined full-scale scenarios. Full-scale and large-scale tests have demonstrated that toxic product yields are highly dependent upon the combustion conditions. Fire stages and types can be characterised either in terms of CO 2 /CO ratio, or preferably in terms of equivalence ratio, which provide reasonably good predictive metrics for product yields. The steady-state tube furnace (ISO TS 19700) allows individual fire stages to be replicated and shows a good general agreement with product yield data (measured for CO 2 , CO, HCN, NO x , total hydrocarbons and smoke particulates) obtained from large-scale ISO room tests for the five materials considered here and expressed as functions of equivalence ratio and CO 2 /CO ratio. The closest direct agreement between the large- and small-scale data were obtained for pool fires involving PP and nylon 6.6 product yield. For materials burned as wall linings, with varying decomposition conditions at different room locations, and/or when a propane flame is also present, direct comparison with tube-furnace data is more problematic. Nevertheless MDF, MDF-FR and PS show reasonable agreement for CO, CO 2 , HCN and hydrocarbon yields between the scales. Smoke yields tended to be more variable and may be influenced by the presence of different areas of flaming and non-flaming decomposition.