대학 수업용 웹기저 영어성취평가도구 개발

O, Kyung-Mi. (2004). Developing web-based English achievement testing program. Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning, 7(2), 241-268. The digital age has brought changes in the paradigms in which people are taught and evaluated for their learning. Despite the fact that the web-based language testing programs have been used widely in macro level as in school or institutional level, in the micro level such as a classroom or a course level, the use of such programs seems to be limited to some extent. As part of the web-based achievement test project for a college level class, this paper displays how a low-tech achievement test was made. The paper discusses the features of web-based language testing and shows how the web-based language testing can be implemented in classroom setting as an achievement test. The paper also demonstrates how this tailor-made web-based achievement test can be interwoven with the class objectives, class activities, and efficiencies.