GADD45β Enhances Col10a1 Transcription via the MTK1/MKK3/6/p38 Axis and Activation of C/EBPβ-TAD4 in Terminally Differentiating Chondrocytes*

GADD45β (growth arrest- and DNA damage-inducible) interacts with upstream regulators of the JNK and p38 stress response kinases. Previously, we reported that the hypertrophic zone of the Gadd45β−/− mouse embryonic growth plate is compressed, and expression of type X collagen (Col10a1) and matrix metalloproteinase 13 (Mmp13) genes is decreased. Herein, we report that GADD45β enhances activity of the proximal Col10a1 promoter, which contains evolutionarily conserved AP-1, cAMP-response element, and C/EBP half-sites, in synergism with C/EBP family members, whereas the MMP13 promoter responds to GADD45β together with AP-1, ATF, or C/EBP family members. C/EBPβ expression also predominantly co-localizes with GADD45β in the embryonic growth plate. Moreover, GADD45β enhances C/EBPβ activation via MTK1, MKK3, and MKK6, and dominant-negative p38αapf, but not JNKapf, disrupts the combined trans-activating effect of GADD45β and C/EBPβ on the Col10a1 promoter. Importantly, GADD45β knockdown prevents p38 phosphorylation while decreasing Col10a1 mRNA levels but does not affect C/EBPβ binding to the Col10a1 promoter in vivo, indicating that GADD45β influences the transactivation function of DNA-bound C/EBPβ. In support of this conclusion, we show that the evolutionarily conserved TAD4 domain of C/EBPβ is the target of the GADD45β-dependent signaling. Collectively, we have uncovered a novel molecular mechanism linking GADD45β via the MTK1/MKK3/6/p38 axis to C/EBPβ-TAD4 activation of Col10a1 transcription in terminally differentiating chondrocytes.

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