CPOISSONE: Stata module to estimate censored Poisson regression (econometric parameterization)
cpoissone fits a censored Poisson maximum-likelihood regression of depvar on indepvars, where depvar is a non-negative count variable. The censor option is required. If no observations are censored, a censor variable with all 1's must be specified. Interpret parameter estimates as one would poisson. Cuts are numerically defined at the left censor site, cleft(), or right censor site cright(). Interpretation is the standard censored Poisson model as parameterized in econometric literature. Values to the outside of the defined cut points are revalued to the value(s) of the cuts. The econometric parameterization is to be distinguished from the survival parameterization, cpoisson. Reference: Hilbe, Joseph M (2007), Negative Binomial Regression (Cambridge University Press)