Application of feeding behaviour to predict morbidity of newly received calves in a commercial feedlot

The objective of this study was to use feeding behavior of newly received steers (average initial weight 191 kg) to detect morbidity in animals in a commercial feedlot. Two separate 32 d feeding trials were conducted in Wellton, Arizona, in July and November 1996. Radio frequency technology was used to record the total time spent within 50 cm of the feedbunk (animal presence every 5.25 s times 5.25 s) in 3 h intervals from 0600 to 2400 on a daily basis for 103 and 122 male calves in trial 1 and 2, respectively. Statistical procedures based on the cumulative sums (CUSUM) of the 3 h feeding intervals were used to detect morbid animals, compared with detection of animals deemed morbid by experienced pen riders. In trial 1, the CUSUM procedure detected animal morbidity 4.5 d earlier (P < 0.001) than the feedlot personnel. In trial 2, the CUSUM procedure detected animal morbidity 3.7 d earlier (P < 0.001) than feedlot pen riders. Overall accuracy, positive predictive value and sensitivity of the CUSUM predicti...