Modification of the Flow Structure over a UAV Wing for Roll Control

Plasma enhanced aerodynamics was used to provide roll control at high angles of attack on a scaled 1303 UAV configuration. The 1303 planform has a 47 degree leading-edge sweep angle. The flow over the a half-span model was documented with dye flow visualization in a water tunnel for a range of angles of attack. This revealed a complex flow structure that varied with angle of attack. A half-span model with Single Dielectric Barrier Discharge (SDBD) plasma actuators was then tested in a wind tunnel. The model was mounted on a 2-D force balance designed to measure lift and drag. At larger angles of attack from 10 to 35 degrees, plasma actuators placed just below the leading edge were found to augment the lift. This configuration was implemented in a full-span model that was mounted on a sting that allowed free-to-roll motion. The ability of the plasma actuator arrangement to produce roll maneuvers was then investigated for a range of angles of attack and freestream speeds. The results indicated excellent roll control with roll moment coefficients that are comparable to conventional moving surfaces.