The Brain at School: Educational Neuroscience in the Classroom

INTRODUCTION A case for educational neuroscience Caveats and disclaimers CHAPTER 1: WHY EDUCATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE? Education neuroscientific research questions Limits to educational neuroscience CHAPTER 2: NEUROIMAGING TECHNOLOGIES CHAPTER 3: LEARNING AND MEMORY Individual brains Hebb's model of learning through synaptic plasticity Memory CHAPTER 4: WORKING MEMORY AND INTELLIGENCE Working memory Attention Intelligence Gifted and talented pupils Sex differences Genetics of intelligence IQ scores as a measure of social evolution CHAPTER 5: CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION Fluid analogising Creative intelligence Imagination CHAPTER 6: SOCIALISING, EMOTION AND MOTIVATION Mirror neurons and socialising Emotion Motivation and self-esteem Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder CHAPTER 7: LANGUAGE AND LITERACY Language Story telling Literacy Dyslexia Second language learning CHAPTER 8: NUMERACY AND MATHEMATICS Arithmetic Statistics Fractions Algebra and geometry Mathematical thinking Mathematical creativity CHAPTER 9: ARTS CURRICULUM Music Visual arts CHAPTER 10: A FUTURE FOR EDUCATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE Schools of the future An agenda for educational neuroscience Last word