Additional cytogenetic abnormalities and variant t(9;22) at the diagnosis of childhood chronic myeloid leukemia: The experience of the International Registry for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Children and Adolescents
A. Baruchel | T. Leblanc | Chi-kong Li | B. De Moerloose | F. Guilhot | A. Biondi | M. Dworzak | F. Millot | M. Suttorp | E. Kaiserova | B. Lausen | J. Guilhot | F. Brizard | P. Sedlacek | A. M. Güneş | K. Kałwak | S. Culić | Christelle Dupraz | E. De Bont | Farah Roula | P. Sedláček