The Tore Supra ITER like ICRF antenna prototype

In the framework of the ICRH development led at CEA Cadarache, a project of a prototype antenna based on the electrical layout foreseen for the ITER IC launcher has been initiated. First experiments have been performed on Tore Supra in 2004. Pulses of 500 kW lasting up to 6s have been achieved. The importance of the coupling effect between straps has been revealed during these experiments, and thus the need for an active control system of the current phasing between them. Despite the short experimental campaign terminated by the failure of the matching components due to undetected arcs, the load tolerant properties of such a circuit have been observed.Since, the prototype antenna has been repaired, reassembled and enhanced accordingly to the fruitful lessons harvested. The RF circuit was improved, corona rings were added on the capacitor poles and localized “sharp” edges were rounded to increase the voltage standoff capability. To reduce the toroidal coupling between adjacent straps, a thick poloidal sept...