Constraints for stereoscopic vision in stereo camera phone

Recently, mobile phone has been requiring one of the most of necessaries as well as the mobile phone-camera would be a representative method to presents as self-publicity and entertainment in human life. Furthermore, mobile phone with stereo-camera to be more powerful tool to perform above mentioned fields and present specially three-dimensional image to an observer compared to the existing it. In this paper, we investigated the constraints to obtain optimized stereovision when it taken by the mobile phone applied stereo camera and they makes possible to good fusible stereo. Theory and experiment were performed by permitted range of the disparity which was extracted by the stereogram on mobile display. Consequently, the permitted horizontal and vertical disparities were taken up to +3.75mm and +2.59mm based on mobile phone having 2.8" display, QVGA resolution, F/2.8, 54 degree of field of view and 220mm of viewing distance. To examine suitability, the experiment is performed by ten subjects.