A Study on the Read/Write Experimental Results for a High-Definition Digital Video Disc Recorder using Blue-Laser Diode

At present, tape media are mainly used for video recording globally. However, in the near future, disc media will come into general use, as they possess many strong points compared with tape media. Thus, we are now researching the development of a high-definition digital video disc recorder with high capacity, high data transfer rate, and low cost. Our target specifications are 15 GB to 18 GB, and over 35 Mbps, using a 120 mm phase change disc and a blue-laser diode. To confirm that it is possible, numerous sample discs were manufactured and experiments were carried out. We succeeded in obtaining good experimental results. In this study, we demonstrate the possibility of realizing a high-definition digital video disc recorder using a 120 mm phase change disc and a blue-laser diode without using a disc cartridge or any extraordinary method that increases the cost.