The Neutron Star-Black Hole Connection

Preface. List of Participants. 1: Radio Pulsars and Neutron Stars. Radio Pulsars - an Observer's Perspective D.R. Lorimer. Neutron Star Birth Rates D.R. Lorimer. Kinematics of Radio Pulsars R. Ramachandran. Superfluid Dynamics and Energy Dissipation in Neutron Stars M.A. Alpar. Magnetic Fields of Neutron Stars S. Konar, D. Bhattacharya. 2: The Neutron Star - Black Hole Connection. Neutron Star and Black Hole Formation C.L. Fryer. Coalescence Rates of Compact Objects V. Kalogera. The Final Fate of Coalescing Compact Binaries: From Black Hole to Planet Formation F.A. Rasio. 3: Accretion Discs. Accretion Discs H.C. Spruit. Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Discs H.C. Spruit. Inner Region of Accretion Flows onto Black Holes M. Kafatos, P. Subramanian. 4: Neutron stars and Black Holes in Binaries. Neutron Stars and Black Holes in Binaries E.P.J. van den Heuvel. Formation and Evolution of Neutron Stars and Black Holes in Binary Systems E.P.J. van den Heuvel. Transient Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries in Quiescence L. Bildsten, R.E. Rutledge. A Comparison of Radio Emission from Neutron Star and Black Hole X-ray Binaries R.P. Fender. Black Hole and Neutron Star Jet Sources I.F. Mirabel. Bulk-Flow Comptonization and Time Lags due to Comptonization N.D. Kylafis, P. Reig. GRS 1915+105 as a Black Hole Accretion Disk Laboratory T. Belloni. Weighing Black Holes with the Largest Optical Telescopes E.T. Harlaftis, A.V. Filippenko. Physics of Plasma Outflows S.V. Bogovalov, K. Tsinganos. Timing the Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Low-Mass Binaries M. Mendez. Modeling the Time Variability of Black Hole Candidates D.Kazanas. Relativistic Models of kHz QPOs W. Kluzniak. Phenomenology of the 35-day Cycle of Hercules X-1 N.I. Shakura, et al. Spin-Orbit Couplings in X-ray Binaries T.M. Tauris, G.J. Savonije. High Mass Black Holes in Soft X-ray Transients G.E. Brown, et al. 5: Magnetars. The Anomalous X-ray Pulsars S. Mereghetti. Astrophysics of the Soft Gamma Repeaters and the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars C. Thompson. Neutron Star Envelopes and Thermal Radiation from the Magnetic Surface J. Ventura, and A.Y. Potekhin. 6: Gamma-ray Bursts. Gamma-ray Bursts: History and Observations G.J. Fishman. The Afterglow of Gamma-ray Bursts: Light on the Mystery L. Piro. Gamma-ray Bursts and Afterglows: The Fireball Shock Model P. Meszaros. Gamma-ray Bursts from Neutron Stars Spun up in X-ray Binaries H.C. Spruit. 7: New Experiments. The Candra X-ray Observatory (CXO) M.C. Weisskopf.