Proceedings of the Seventh Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing

It is our great pleasure to invite you all to the Seventh Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing to be held in Chennai, India. This conference is a continuation of the bi-annual series of ICVGIPs that originated in New Delhi in 1998. Subsequent conferences have been held in many well-known cities in India. This conference has emerged as one of the premier conferences in India. By adopting the review process and structure (double-blind, use of area chairs, single tracks, etc) that is used in other top tier vision conferences, ICVGIP is also acquiring a stature as an international conference of solid reputation. Right from the beginning, many outstanding researchers in India in the fields covered by ICVGIP have put their hearts and minds into having a high-quality conference and the attendees of this conference will not be disappointed. We are happy to note that the Seventh ICVGIP will host attendees from India, USA, UK, Germany, France, Denmark, Finland, China, and South Africa. The conference program has 24 oral presentations, 46 poster presentations, five plenary talks, and a tutorial. The plenary talks on a diverse set of topics will be given by well-known researchers from USA, France, Canada, Switzerland, and India. The tutorial on Markov random fields for computer vision will focus on a field that is reemerging in computer vision and graphics. Thus the attendees of this conference will be exposed to many cutting-edge research topics in the fields covered by the conference.