Some Mobile Overconstrained Parallel Mechanisms

The Griffis-Duffy platform is an example of an overconstrained parallel mechanism. Although it has 6 SS legs joining its platform to its base it is still mobile. In this work similar structures are found but with different types of legs. The key to finding these structures is a pair of theorems concerning 3 degree-of-freedom mechanisms subjected to a translation or a half-turn. Although these results are not new concise statements and proofs are given. These constructions are then applied to parallel mechanisms consisting of 3 RPS legs and 3UPU legs. Some details of the rigid-body motions that the platform of these mechanisms can execute are found. This is facilitated by the observations that rigid displacements permitted by an RPS leg are the displacements which constrain a point to a fixed plane, while the displacements of a UPU leg constrain a line to be coplanar to a fixed line.