The Relationship between the (Organizational and Demographic) Variables and the Scope of Readiness of Crises and the Impact of Some Hindrances on the Strength of the Mining and Quarrying Crisis in the Jordanian companies from the Employee's Point of View

This study aims at exploring the awareness of the Jordanian Mining and Quarrying Companies employees towards the remedial and preventive measures of crisis management, identifying the impact of organizational variables (pre- planning, transparency, and coordination) on crisis management, exploring the factors hindering the effectiveness of crisis management. The data was collected via questionnaire from a sample of (786) respondents. Descriptive statistics (percentages, Mean, Frequencies, Standard Deviation), Person Correlation Matrix, Multiple Regression Analysis, One-way ANOVA and Schaffe Test were used in analyzing the collected data The study’s main results are: 1- The tendency towards the preventive readiness in the studied companies is higher than that of the remedial one. 2- A statistically significant correlation at a level of (α ≤ 0.05) exists between the organizational variables and the scope of readiness of crisis. 3- A statistically significant relation ship at a level of (α ≤ 0.05) exists between organizational, humanitarian, and information and communication obstacles, and the strength of the crisis impact. Once humanitarian, psychological dimensions of employees, organizational Factors as well as clear information and communication channels are taken into consideration, crisis impact strength will be minimized. Based upon the previous results, a set of recommendations were proposed. First, a specialized crisis management department should be established to contain crisis and minimize its negative effects. Second, a special attention should be given to organizational variables (pre-planning, transparency, coordination) because of their efficient impact in terms of encountering and minimizing possible crises effects.