Statistical Weibull’s Distribution Analysis for Wind Power of The Two Dimensional Ridge Areas
Abstract — In the study, the wind characteristics in the hilly or ridge areas of Bangladesh were made. The wind data have been collected from the SRE project/LGED, in collaboration with BUET, and it has been taken up a study entitled “Wind Energy Resource Mapping (WERM)” . There are three sites have been chosen for this work because of their completeness and reliability of wind data. The data have been collected by ten minute interval at 20 m height which have been sorted in the appropriate frequency like daily, monthly, annually mean wind speed. The wind duration curve has been drown and analyzed there. The value of Weibull shape factor “ k ” and Weibull Scale factor “ c ” have been determined and analyzed there. The site selection and best location for getting more wind speed in the hilly or ridge areas for installation of a drag type wind turbine which have been used for lifting water. Index Terms — Weibull’s shape factor, Weibull’s scale factor, Wind power, Mean wind speed, Wind rose.