Physicians’ engagement: Medical Care Groups
DOI: 10.1590/S1679-45082016ED3757 CliniCal Staff ProjeCt introduction The relation between the Hospital Albert Einstein and its clinical staff dates from the start of its activities. The invitation to physicians to work at the hospital, made by the President himself, an initial model of attracting doctors, was followed by the orchestration of the form of registering professionals, when the need for confirmation of qualification and skills arose, until reaching the current model in which, besides credentials, the physician is accompanied and his/her practice is monitored. During this journey of more than 40 years, the context in which the medical activity has developed, both in and out of the hospital, immensely influenced the form of organization of our physicians. Additionally, the doctor-patient relationship itself was an influence on the activity and relationship among physicians, since we have gone from a patronizing posture exerted by the physician, who used to judge alone what should or should not be a part of the treatment, to a situation in which the power of decision is shared with the patient. In fact, today access to information is easier due to the Internet, by means of sources of information, patient communities, social media, mobile devices, among others. A recent proof of this was the partnership between the Hospital Albert Einstein and Google, to provide relevant health information to internet users in their search. More complex Medicine, with superspecialization of physicians and of the multiprofessional team; the emerging technological devices that are increasingly growing and adding value to treatment outcome; the need for interaction among different specialties to provide a better outcome for patients; and mainly, the added cost of diagnosis and treatment, resulting from more professionals, physical and technological structures – all these have currently obliged us to prepare for a near future, in which there will be no room for “avoidable” complications, waste of resources, remuneration mechanisms based on the use of materials and medications. There will no longer be a way to carry out our mission, of excellence in care, without offering the best available to our patients. In face of the challenges for the future of our organization, we conclude that there is no way to conduct the best medical activity without having an extremely Physicians’ engagement: Medical Care Groups