The Brand Bubble: The Looming Crisis in Brand Value and How to Avoid It
Foreword By Peter Stringham, CEO, Young & Rubicam Group. PART ONE: INTRODUCTION. 1 Tulipmania and Infl ated Brands. 2 Can You Say "Irresistible"? 3 Wall Street, Meet Main Street. 4 The Postmodern Craving for Creativity. 5 Welcome to ConsumerLand. PART TWO: APPLICATION. 6 Stage One-Exploration: Performing an Energy Audit. Case study: LEGO-Play Well. 7 Stage Two-Distillation: Identifying the Energy Core. Case study: Virgin Atlantic-Brilliant Basics, Magic Touches. 8 Stage Three-Ignition: Creating an Energized Value Chain. Case study: Xerox-The Energy Inside. 9 Stage Four-Fusion: Becoming an Energy-Driven Enterprise. Case study: Mumbai Tiffi n Box Suppliers-Human Energy. 10 Stage Five-Renewal: Active Listening and Constant Refreshing of Brand Meaning. Case study: UNIQLO-Seeing Farther. Epilogue: A Brand May Be Famous, But Is It Creating Return for Shareholders? Notes. Acknowledgments. The Authors. Index.