Probing Antioxidant Activity of Two Desert Plants Against Superoxide Anion Radical by Differential Pulse Voltammetry

2 Abstract: The antioxidant activity of the two desert plants Aerva javanica (AJ) and Oxystelma esculentum (OE) was successfully analyzed using differential pulse voltammetry. The antiradical activity was separately checked against the electrochemically generated superoxide anion radical inaqueous and organic media. The decrease in the cathodic current with the progressive increase of the extract amount is rationalized as free radical consumption by the added extract. Quantification is made in terms of antioxidant activity coefficient (K) and antioxidant capacity index (IC ). The results showed the presence of potential antioxidant compounds in the 50 extracts used. The antiradical activity was found higher in methanol extracts to that in acetone extracts.