Abstract In this lecture we present some work we published in [2,3] and hint at some new current lines of research on information flow and security. More precisely, we describe the calculus of Boxed Ambients a variant of Cardelli and Gordon's Mobile Ambients [4] a calculus of mobile and dynamically reconfigurable agents. Boxed Ambients inherit from Mobile Ambients (part of) the mobility primitives but rely on a completely different model of communication. The new communication primitives fit nicely the design principles of Mobile Ambients, and complement the existing constructs for ambient mobility with finer-grained, and more effective, mechanisms for ambient interaction. As a result Boxed Ambients retain the expressive power and the computational flavor of Ambient Calculus, as well as the elegance of its formal presentation. In addition, they enhance the flexibility of typed communications over Mobile Ambients, and provide new insight into the relationship between synchronous and asynchronous input-output.
Luca Cardelli,et al.
Mobile Ambients
Jan Vitek,et al.
Seal: A Framework for Secure Mobile Computations
ICCL Workshop: Internet Programming Languages.
J. Meseguer,et al.
Security Policies and Security Models
1982 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
Michele Bugliesi,et al.
Reasoning about Security in Mobile Ambients
Michele Bugliesi,et al.
Boxed Ambients
Gérard Boudol,et al.
Asynchrony and the Pi-calculus
Giuseppe Castagna,et al.
Typing Mobility in the Seal Calculus