RFID Guardian Back-end Security Protocol

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems have become popular for automated identification and supply chain applications. Due to resource constraints, RFID tags have potential security and privacy problems. However, rather than relying on public RFID readers to enforce privacy protection, consumers might instead carry their own privacy-enforce devices for RFID, i.e. RFID Guardian. RFID Guardian acts as a kind of personal RFID firewall. As a high-powered device with substantive computing power, a Guardian can implement sophisticated privacy policies and can use channels other than RF (e.g. GPS or Internet connections) to supplement ambient data. In this thesis, I focus on the interaction between RFID Guardian and RFID readers and will describe the back-end security protocol of RFID Guardian, including: • Access Control List • Authentication Protocols, notably asymmetric and symmetric key protocols After that, I will show the result of 35 test cases on the RFID Guardian software to the readers.