The Boston residential NO2 characterization study: I. Preliminary evaluation of the survey methodology.

In conjunction with a large, population-based study of exposures to nitrogen dioxide, a pilot study was performed to evaluate methodological and logistical protocols. Survey research techniques have been applied to the collection of indoor air pollution data in an effort to produce a sample which represents the total population of the Boston Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA). Essential sample sizes and the methods used to calculate them are discussed. The results of the pilot study are presented with analysis geared toward evaluating the efficiency of the survey methodology. The results suggest that survey research techniques can be applied to assessment of environmental exposures in general and, specifically, to the characterization of concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in housing units in urban and suburban regions. The results further suggest that an acceptance rate of approximately 60-70 percent can be expected in a survey of this type requiring monitoring protocols within occupied housing units. Additionally, this work suggests area clustering as a logistically efficient method of selecting sampling locations.