Exchangeability and related topics

[1]  István Berkes,et al.  Exchangeable random variables and the subsequence principle , 1986 .

[2]  A. Vershik,et al.  The characters of the infinite symmetric group and probability properties of the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm , 1986 .

[3]  C. Stein Approximate computation of expectations , 1986 .

[4]  István Berkes,et al.  Almost exchangeable sequences of random variables , 1985 .

[5]  Moshe Shaked,et al.  Some partial orderings of exchangeable random variables by positive dependence , 1985 .

[6]  A. Dooley,et al.  Ergodic measures are of weak product type , 1985, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

[7]  George L. O'Brien,et al.  Self-Similar Processes with Stationary Increments Generated by Point Processes , 1985 .

[8]  Canonical row-column-exchangeable arrays , 1984 .

[9]  Murad S. Taqqu,et al.  Invariance Principle for Symmetric Statistics , 1984 .

[10]  G. K. Eagleson,et al.  Poisson approximation for some statistics based on exchangeable trials , 1983, Advances in Applied Probability.

[11]  Brent M. Troutman,et al.  Weak convergence of the adjusted range of cumulative sums of exchangeable random variables , 1983, Journal of Applied Probability.

[12]  Boris Pittel,et al.  On Distributions Related to Transitive Closures of Random Finite Mappings , 1983 .

[13]  Some exchangeable probabilities are singular with respect to all presentable probabilities , 1983 .

[14]  S. Zabell W. E. Johnson's "Sufficientness" Postulate , 1982 .

[15]  D. Dawson,et al.  Wandering Random Measures in the Fleming-Viot Model , 1982 .

[16]  O. Kallenberg Characterizations and embedding properties in exchangeability , 1982 .

[17]  De Finetti's Theorem for Symmetric Location Families , 1982 .

[18]  Ts. G. Ignatov On a Constant Arising in the Asymptotic Theory of Symmetric Groups, and on Poisson–Dirichlet Measures , 1982 .

[19]  Inge S. Helland,et al.  Central Limit Theorems for Martingales with Discrete or Continuous Time , 1982 .

[20]  Yu. L. Pavlov Limit Theorems for a Characteristic of a Random Mapping , 1982 .

[21]  De Finetti's theorem, sufficiency, and Dobrushin's theory , 1982 .

[22]  Stan Zachary,et al.  Markov random fields and Markov chains on trees , 1983 .

[23]  D. Aldous Representations for partially exchangeable arrays of random variables , 1981 .

[24]  D. Freedman,et al.  On the statistics of vision: The Julesz conjecture☆ , 1981 .

[25]  H. Berbee On Covering Single Points by Randomly Ordered Intervals , 1981 .

[26]  Morris L. Eaton On the Projections of Isotropic Distributions , 1981 .

[27]  Gérard Letac Isotropy and Sphericity: Some Characterisations of the Normal Distribution , 1981 .

[28]  D. Aldous Subspaces of ¹, via random measures , 1981 .

[29]  A. F. M. Smith On Random Sequences with Centred Spherical Symmetry , 1981 .

[30]  G. Letac Problemes classiques de probabilite sur un couple de Gelfand , 1981 .

[31]  R. Döhler On the Conditional Independence of Random Events , 1981 .

[32]  P. Révész,et al.  Strong approximations in probability and statistics , 1981 .

[33]  J. Kingman,et al.  Mathematics of genetic diversity , 1982 .

[34]  R. Serfling Approximation Theorems of Mathematical Statistics , 1980 .

[35]  N. Weber A martingale approach to central limit theorems for exchangeable random variables , 1980, Journal of Applied Probability.

[36]  D. Freedman,et al.  Finite Exchangeable Sequences , 1980 .

[37]  P. Hall,et al.  Martingale Limit Theory and Its Application , 1980 .

[38]  J. Laurie Snell,et al.  Markov Random Fields and Their Applications , 1980 .

[39]  D. Freedman,et al.  De Finetti's Theorem for Markov Chains , 1980 .

[40]  I. Olkin,et al.  Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Applications , 1980 .

[41]  Étienne Carnal Indépendance conditionnelle permutable , 1980 .

[42]  D. Freedman A mixture of independent identically distributed random variables need not admit a regular conditional probability given the exchangeable σ-field , 1980 .

[43]  David A. Freedman,et al.  De Finetti's generalizations of exchangeability , 1980 .

[44]  F. Kelly Reversibility and Stochastic Networks , 1980 .

[45]  G. Eagleson A Poisson limit theorem for weakly exchangeable events , 1979, Journal of Applied Probability.

[46]  Yu-Sheng Hsu A note on exchangeable events , 1979, Journal of Applied Probability.

[47]  A. Dawid Conditional Independence in Statistical Theory , 1979 .

[48]  A functional central limit theorem for a generalized occupancy problem , 1979 .

[49]  On the Zero-one Law for Exchangeable Events , 1979 .

[50]  David A. Freedman,et al.  Exchangeable processes need not be mixtures of independent, identically distributed random variables , 1979 .

[51]  Paul C. Shields,et al.  Stationary coding of processes , 1979, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.

[52]  P. Diaconis,et al.  Conjugate Priors for Exponential Families , 1979 .

[53]  On the $\sigma $-Algebra of Symmetric Events for a Countable Markov Chain , 1979 .

[54]  A. Dawid Extendibility of spherical matrix distributions , 1978 .

[55]  Marc Hallin,et al.  Mixed autoregressive-moving average multivariate processes with time-dependent coefficients , 1978 .

[56]  J. Kingman The Representation of Partition Structures , 1978 .

[57]  E. Dynkin Sufficient Statistics and Extreme Points , 1978 .

[58]  E. Slud A note on exchangeable sequences of events , 1978 .

[59]  G. Eagleson,et al.  Limit theorems for weakly exchangeable arrays , 1978, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

[60]  Samuel Kotz,et al.  Urn Models and Their Applications: An Approach to Modern Discrete Probability Theory , 1978, The Mathematical Gazette.

[61]  J. Pitman An extension of de Finetti's theorem , 1978, Advances in Applied Probability.

[62]  J. Kingman Random partitions in population genetics , 1978, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[63]  David Aldous,et al.  On Mixing and Stability of Limit Theorems , 1978 .

[64]  J. Kingman Uses of Exchangeability , 1978 .

[65]  David Aldous,et al.  Stopping Times and Tightness. II , 1978 .

[66]  Paul E. Pfeiffer Conditional Independence in Applied Probability , 1978 .

[67]  A. Vershik,et al.  Limit Measures Arising in the Asympyotic Theory of Symmetric Groups. I. , 1977 .

[68]  A. Dawid Invariant distributions and analysis of variance models , 1977 .

[69]  A. Maitra,et al.  Integral representations of invariant measures , 1977 .

[70]  David Aldous,et al.  Limit theorems for subsequences of arbitrarily-dependent sequences of random variables , 1977 .

[71]  R. Isaac Generalized Hewitt-Savage theorems for strictly stationary processes , 1977 .

[72]  A. Dawid Spherical Matrix Distributions and a Multivariate Model , 1977 .

[73]  G. A. Watterson The stationary distribution of the infinitely-many neutral alleles diffusion model , 1976, Journal of Applied Probability.

[74]  David Heath,et al.  De Finetti's Theorem on Exchangeable Variables , 1976 .

[75]  R. Saunders On joint exchangeability and conservative processes with stochastic rates , 1976, Journal of Applied Probability.

[76]  O. Kallenberg On the structure of stationary flat processes. III , 1976 .

[77]  An application of Ramsey sets in analysis , 1976 .

[78]  O. Kallenberg Infinitely divisible processes with interchangeable increments and random measures under convolution , 1975 .

[79]  F. Spitzer Markov Random Fields on an Infinite Tree , 1975 .

[80]  R. Olshen A note on exchangeable sequences , 1974 .

[81]  O. Kallenberg Path properties of processes with independent and interchangeable increments , 1974 .

[82]  Srishti D. Chatterji,et al.  A subsequence principle in probability theory , 1974 .

[83]  T. Ferguson Prior Distributions on Spaces of Probability Measures , 1974 .

[84]  S. D. Chatterji A subsequence principle in probability theory (applied to the law of the iterated logarithm) , 1974 .

[85]  Techniques probabilistes pour l'étude de problèmes d'isomorphismes entre espaces de Banach , 1974 .

[86]  P. A. P. Moran A central limit theorem for exchangeable variates with geometric applications , 1973, Journal of Applied Probability.

[87]  C. Kimberling Exchangeable events and completely monotonic sequences , 1973 .

[88]  O. Kallenberg Canonical representations and convergence criteria for processes with interchangeable increments , 1973 .

[89]  T. Ferguson A Bayesian Analysis of Some Nonparametric Problems , 1973 .

[90]  D. Ornstein An Application of Ergodic Theory to Probability Theory , 1973 .

[91]  J. Kemperman Moment problems for sampling without replacement. II , 1973 .

[92]  J. Horowitz Semilinear Markov processes, subordinators and renewal theory , 1972 .

[93]  Bruno de Finetti,et al.  Probability, induction and statistics , 1972 .

[94]  R. Olshen The coincidence of measure algebras under an exchangeable probability , 1971 .

[95]  Richard C. Jeffrey,et al.  Studies in inductive logic and probability , 1971 .

[96]  P. Billingsley,et al.  Convergence of Probability Measures , 1970, The Mathematical Gazette.

[97]  J. Marsden,et al.  Lectures on analysis , 1969 .

[98]  Donald Ervin Knuth,et al.  The Art of Computer Programming , 1968 .

[99]  J. Komlos A generalization of a problem of Steinhaus , 1967 .

[100]  K. Parthasarathy PROBABILITY MEASURES IN A METRIC SPACE , 1967 .

[101]  K. Parthasarathy,et al.  Probability measures on metric spaces , 1967 .

[102]  R. Phelps Lectures on Choquet's Theorem , 1966 .

[103]  P. Meyer,et al.  Probabilités et potentiel , 1966 .

[104]  A. Heller On Stochastic Processes Derived From Markov Chains , 1965 .

[105]  V. Strassen The Existence of Probability Measures with Given Marginals , 1965 .

[106]  S. Berman Sign-invariant random variables and stochastic processes with sign-invariant increments , 1965 .

[107]  David A. Freedman,et al.  The Tail $\sigma$-Field of a Markov Chain and a Theorem of Orey , 1964 .

[108]  Michel Loève,et al.  Probability Theory I , 1977 .

[109]  David A. Freedman,et al.  Invariants Under Mixing Which Generalize de Finetti's Theorem: Continuous Time Parameter , 1963 .

[110]  David A. Freedman,et al.  Invariants Under Mixing which Generalize de Finetti's Theorem , 1962 .

[111]  D. Freedman Mixtures of Markov Processes , 1962 .

[112]  Hans Bühlmann,et al.  Austauschbare stochastische Variabeln und ihre Grenzwertsätze , 1960 .

[113]  H. Chernoff,et al.  Central Limit Theorems for Interchangeable Processes , 1958, Canadian Journal of Mathematics.

[114]  C. Ryll-Nardzewski On stationary sequences of random variables and the de Finetti's equivalence , 1957 .

[115]  L. J. Savage,et al.  Symmetric measures on Cartesian products , 1955 .

[116]  J. Doob Stochastic processes , 1953 .

[117]  W. Feller An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications , 1959 .

[118]  I. J. Schoenberg,et al.  Metric spaces and positive definite functions , 1938 .

[119]  B. D. Finetti La prévision : ses lois logiques, ses sources subjectives , 1937 .