Ergonomic intervention research for improved musculoskeletal health: A critical review

Abstract This literature review of ergonomic intervention studies aims to identify effective ergonomic interventions for improved musculoskeletal health in the workplace and to make recommendations for quality criteria in ergonomic intervention research. To avoid ambiguity in terminology a list of definitions of the ergonomic terms used in this paper is provided in an appendix. Models were developed for use in the classification of ergonomic intervention research and to illustrate the problems in interpreting ergonomic intervention data. The relevant literature was identified by a two-step process. First the relevant literature was identified by inclusion criteria, then, quality criteria were applied to identify studies of good quality for effective intervention. These appear to be firstly “organizational culture” and secondly modifier interventions, the former using multiple interventions with high stakeholder commitment to reduce identified risk factors, and the latter especially focusing workers at risk and using measures which actively involve the individual. A list of recommendations is provided.

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