An integrated modelling concept for immission-based management of sewer system, wastewater treatment plant and river.

Today's planning standards deal with the individual urban drainage components (sewer system, wastewater treatment plant and receiving water) separately, i.e. they are often designed and operated as single components. As opposed to this, an integral handling considers the drainage components jointly. This novel approach allows a holistic and more sustainable planning of urban drainage systems. This paper presents an integrated modelling concept. The aim is to analyse fluxes through the total wastewater system and to integrate pollution-based control in the upstream direction, that is, e.g., managing the combined water retention tanks as a function of state variables in the WWTP or the receiving water. All models of the different subsystems are based on the Activated Sludge Model (ASM) concept of IWA, including River Water Quality Model No. 1 (RWOM). Simulations can be done in truly parallel mode using the simulation environment SIMBA. The integrated modelling concept is applied to the river Dhuenn and the urban wastewater system of the municipality of Odenthal (Germany). An optimised operation of the system using RTC proves to be a very effective measure.