Measuring Apparatus for Height and stagger of trolley line using Line Scan Camera and Method thereof
The present invention is a measuring unit which two line-scan camera which scans the catenary obtaining an image, and to each of the left and Yiwu position the two line scan cameras, based on the catenary comprises a fixture which is fixed to the train top, the vibration of the train, sensor, and according to the detection signal and detecting the position of a catenary from the pixel value obtained by correcting the image acquired from the line scan cameras, a line that outputs a detection signal for correcting the tilt and slope of the line scan camera such as lines comprising the image processing apparatus displays the height and the deviation of the track angle and the detected catenary and scan camera to measure the height and the deviation of the catenary, and measured continuously catenary graphically on a monitor It provides a catenary and height deviation detecting apparatus using a scanning camera. According to the invention, fixing the line scan camera at the upper top or train maintenance vehicle of the train and can measure the height and the deviation of the catenary in a non-contact, and in the case of weekly separate light source is not need to fast response of the line scan camera the high-speed measurement is possible with the speed. Catenary, rail, line scan cameras, excursions, pantograph