Evaluation of Onion Breeding Lines for Table Purpose

For the development of stable variety for table purpose, 68 breeding lines were developed through mass selection from the selected bulbs. All the lines, along with checks, were evaluated at ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune (MS). Out of 68 breeding lines, seven lines viz., DOGR-546-DR, KH-M-1, KH-M-2, KH-M-3, KH-M-4, RGP-1 and RGP-2 have been entered in AINRPOG on the basis of their superiority over the best check. DOGR-546-DR (373.40 q/ha) showed 18.3% marketable yield superiority over the best check. It has very good bulb storability, 64.7 g average bulb weight, free from bolters and suitable for rabi season. KH-M-1 (353.30 q/ha) and KH-M-2 (359.85 q/ha) were suitable for kharif season and showed 23.4% and 25.7% marketable yield superiority over the best check, respectively. These lines have dark red bulbs and early in maturity. RGP-1 (328.60 q/ha) and RGP-2 (369.15 q/ha) were suitable for rabi season and showed 17.5% and 32.0% marketable yield superiority over the best check. Two lines, namely KH-M-1 and KH-M- 2,were found best in respect of earliness, stability and quality yield during kharif.