Infinite Element Methods

Part 1: two-dimensional exterior problems of the Laplace equation Fourier methods iterative methods general elements three-dimensional exterior problems of the Laplace equation problems on other unbounded domains corner problems nonhomogeneous equations and nonhomogeneous boundary conditions plane elasticity problems calculation of stress intensity factors. Part 2: foundations of algorithm infinite element spaces shift matrices further discussion for the infinite element spaces and the shift matrices shift matrices for the plane elasticity problems combined stiffness matrices structure of general solutions block circular stiffness matrices iterative method of the first type iterative method of the second type general elliptic systems exterior Stokes problems nonhomogeneous equations and the Helmholtz equation. Part 3: Some auxiliary inequalities approximate properties of piecewise polynomials H1 and L2 convergence a superconvergence estimate term-by-term convergence near the corner. Part 4 boundary value problems and Eigenvalue problems stress intensity factors Stokes external flow Navier-Stokes external flow.