The first measurement of low-loss 9-cell cavity in a cryomodule at stf

We are constructing Superconducting RF Test Facility (STF) at KEK for the R&D of ILC accelerator. In the beginning of year 2008, we installed one high-gradient Low-Loss (LL) 9-cell cavity into a cryomodule (CM) at STF. We assembled the cavity with an input-coupler and peripherals in a clean room and the cavity package was dressed with thermal shields to be installed in a CM. At the room-temperature, we performed the processing of input-coupler up to the RF power of 350 kW. At the temperatures of 2 K, RF power was supplied from a klystron to the cavity. The lorentz force detuning of cavity was measured and the performance of the cavity packeage was tested. This article presents the results of the first test of the LL 9-cell cavity at 2 K in a CM.