In tracking and sensor data fusion targets of interest are usually considered as point source objects; i.e. compared to the sensor resolution their extension is neglected. Due to the increasing resolution capabilities of modern sensors, however, this assumption is often no longer valid: different scattering centers of an object can cause distinct detections. Examples of extended targets are found in short-range applications (littoral surveillance, autonomous weapons, or robotics). As an extended target also a collectively moving, loosely structured group can be considered. This point of view is all the more appropriate, the smaller the mutual distances between the individual targets are. Due to the resulting data association and resolution conflicts any attempt of tracking the individual objects is no longer reasonable. With reference to simulated radar data produced by a partly resolvable aircraft formation a Bayesian solution to the resulting tracking problem is proposed. Ellipsoidal object extensions are modeled by random matrices and treated as additional state variables to be estimated or 'tracked'. We expect that the resulting tracking algorithms are relevant also for tracking large, collectively moving target swarms
Samuel S. Blackman,et al.
Design and Analysis of Modern Tracking Systems
D. Harville.
Matrix Algebra From a Statistician's Perspective
W. Koch,et al.
Multiple hypothesis track maintenance with possibly unresolved measurements
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
Fred Daum,et al.
Importance of resolution in multiple-target tracking
Defense, Security, and Sensing.
A. Rukhin.
Matrix Variate Distributions
The Multivariate Normal Distribution.
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Matrix Differential Calculus with Applications in Statistics and Econometrics
Timothy J. Robinson,et al.
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice