Chapter 35 Applied general equilibrium models for policy analysis

[1]  J. Shoven,et al.  Applying general equilibrium , 1993 .

[2]  S. Wijnbergen,et al.  Transition problems in economic reform : agriculture in the Mexico - U.S. free trade agreement , 1992 .

[3]  J. Gunning,et al.  Aid and Exchange Rate Adjustment in African Trade Liberalisations , 1992 .

[4]  Oil prices and rural migration: the Dutch disease goes south , 1992 .

[5]  A. Kirman Whom Or What Does the Representative Individual Represent , 1992 .

[6]  E. Thorbecke Adjustment and Equity in Indonesia , 1992 .

[7]  P. Mitra Tariff design and reform in a revenue-constrained economy: Theory and an illustration from India , 1992 .

[8]  P. Wilcoxen,et al.  General-purpose software for intertemporal economic models , 1992 .

[9]  J. Waelbroeck,et al.  Preliminary results of two experimental models of general equilibrium with imperfect competition , 1992 .

[10]  G. Mcmahon Financial computable general equilibrium models of developing countries : a critical assessment , 1992 .

[11]  Peter B. Dixon,et al.  Notes and problems in applied general equilibrium economics , 1992 .

[12]  Nicolas Schmitt,et al.  Sunk Costs, Free-Entry Equilibrium and Trade Liberalization in Applied General Equilibrium : Implication for \"Europe 1992\" , 1992 .

[13]  J. Melo,et al.  Adjustment and income distribution: A micro-macro model for counterfactual analysis , 1992 .

[14]  Dale W. Jorgenson,et al.  Carbon Taxes and Economic Welfare , 1992 .

[15]  Jean Mercenier Completing the European Internal Market: A General Equilibrium Evaluation Under Alternative Market Structure Assumption , 1992 .

[16]  F. Bourguignon,et al.  Adjustment and Equity in Developing Countries: A New Approach , 1992 .

[17]  G. Nicoletti,et al.  GREEN a Multi-Sector, Multi-Region General Equilibrium Model for Quantifying the Costs of Curbing CO2 Emissions: A Technical Manual , 1992 .

[18]  S. Robinson Macroeconomics, financial variables, and computable general equilibrium models , 1991 .

[19]  A. Janvry,et al.  Politically feasible and equitable adjustment: Some alternatives for ecuador , 1991 .

[20]  Keyzer,et al.  Hunger: Beyond the Reach of the Invisible Hand , 1991 .

[21]  L. Goulder,et al.  Introducing intertemporal and open economy features in applied general equilibrium models , 1991 .

[22]  T. Srinivasan,et al.  Agriculture, Growth, and Redistribution of Income: Policy Analysis With a General Equilibrium Model of India , 1991 .

[23]  John Whalley,et al.  Cutting CO2 Emissions: The Effects of Alternative Policy Approaches* , 1991 .

[24]  T. Kehoe Computation and multiplicity of equilibria , 1991 .

[25]  Applied general equilibrium modelling , 1991 .

[26]  C. Morrisson Adjustment and equity in Morocco , 1991 .

[27]  William A. Barnett,et al.  Equilibrium Theory and Applications , 1991 .

[28]  William R. Zame,et al.  Chapter 34 Equilibrium theory in infinite dimensional spaces , 1991 .

[29]  P. Dixon A general equilibrium approach to public utility pricing: determining prices for a water authority , 1990 .

[30]  V. Norman Assessing Trade And Welfare Effects Of Trade Liberalization , 1990 .

[31]  A. Manne,et al.  C02 Emission Limits: An Economic Cost Analysis for the USA , 1990 .


[33]  Dale W. Jorgenson,et al.  Environmental Regulation and U.S. Economic Growth , 1990 .

[34]  F. Bourguignon,et al.  North-South Opec Trade Relations in an Intertemporal Applied General Equilibrium Model , 1990 .

[35]  J. Burniaux,et al.  The RUNS model : a rural-urban North-South general equilibrium model for agricultural policy analysis , 1990 .

[36]  J. Melo,et al.  Exchange rate based disinflation, wage rigidity, and capital inflows : tradeoffs for Chile, 1977-81 , 1990 .

[37]  C. Blitzer A general equilibrium analysis of the effects of carbon emission restrictions on economic growth in a developing country , 1990 .

[38]  John Geanakoplos,et al.  An introduction to general equilibrium with incomplete asset markets , 1990 .

[39]  A. Deaton Saving and Liquidity Constraints , 1989 .

[40]  Christine Jones,et al.  Markets under price controls in partial and general equilibrium , 1989 .

[41]  D. Rodrik,et al.  Pro-Competitive Effects of Trade Reform: Results from a CGE Model of Cameroon , 1989 .

[42]  G. Mcmahon The income distribution effects of the Kenyan coffee marketing system , 1989 .

[43]  P. Romer Increasing Returns and New Developments in the Theory of Growth , 1989 .

[44]  J. Whalley,et al.  Capital income taxation in a two-commodity life cycle model: The role of factor intensity and asset capitalization effects , 1989 .

[45]  Sarah M. Ryan,et al.  Degeneracy in infinite horizon optimization , 1989, Math. Program..

[46]  T. Srinivasan Food aid : a cause of development failure or an instrument for success? , 1989 .

[47]  Nancy L. Stokey,et al.  Recursive methods in economic dynamics , 1989 .

[48]  J. Rattsø Macrodynamic adjustment mechanisms in a dual semi-industrialized economy , 1989 .

[49]  Jaime de Melo,et al.  Computable general equilibrium models for trade policy analysis in developing countries: A survey , 1988 .

[50]  David Kendrick,et al.  GAMS, a user's guide , 1988, SGNM.

[51]  G. Fischer,et al.  Towards Free Trade in Agriculture , 1988, Springer Netherlands.

[52]  A. Deolalikar,et al.  Health and nutrition , 1988 .

[53]  Forecasting versus policy analysis with the ORANI model , 1988 .

[54]  H. Motamen Economic modelling in the OECD countries , 1988 .

[55]  S. Morris,et al.  Fiscal stabilization and exchange rate instability , 1988 .

[56]  Bernard Cornet General Equilibrium-theory and Increasing Returns - Presentation , 1988 .

[57]  W. Diewert,et al.  Flexible Functional Forms and Global Curvature Conditions , 1989 .

[58]  Laurence J. Kotlikoff,et al.  Dynamic Fiscal Policy , 1988 .

[59]  R. Wets,et al.  Existence Results and Finite Horizon Approximates for Infinite Horizon Optimization Problems , 1987 .

[60]  Claudia Starr,et al.  General Equilibrium Trade Policy Modelling , 1987 .

[61]  T. Srinivasan,et al.  General Equilibrium Trade Policy Modeling. , 1987 .

[62]  John Whalley,et al.  New Developments in Applied General Equilibrium Analysis , 1987 .

[63]  M. Dewatripont,et al.  On closure rules: homogeneity and dynamics in applied general equilibrium models , 1987 .

[64]  A. Haurie,et al.  Infinite Horizon Optimal Control , 1987 .

[65]  G. van der Laan,et al.  The computation and modelling of economic equilibria , 1987 .

[66]  Andrew Feltenstein An intertemporal general equilibrium analysis of financial crowding out: A policy model and an application to Australia☆ , 1986 .

[67]  L. Montrucchio,et al.  On the indeterminacy of capital accumulation paths , 1986 .

[68]  S. Robinson,et al.  A bibliography of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models applied to developing countries , 1986 .

[69]  A. Sibert,et al.  An Analysis of the Welfare Implications of Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes: An Intertemporal Model with an Application , 1986 .

[70]  H. Chenery,et al.  Industrialization and Growth: A Comparative Study , 1986 .

[71]  G. Laan,et al.  The computation of quantity-constrained equilibria by virtual taxes , 1986 .

[72]  A. Kelley,et al.  What drives third world city growth? A dynamic general equilibrium approach , 1985 .

[73]  Victor Ginsburgh,et al.  General equilibrium with wage rigidities: an application to Belgium , 1985 .

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[75]  A. S. Manne On the Formulation and Solution of Economic Equilibrium Models , 1985 .

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[78]  W. Grais A general equilibrium estimation of the effects of reductions in tariffs and quantitative restrictions in Turkey in 1978 , 1984 .

[79]  Nancy L. Stokey,et al.  Optimal growth with many consumers , 1984 .

[80]  Richard Harris,et al.  Applied General Equilibrium Analysis of Small Open Economies with Scale Economies and Imperfect Competition , 1984 .

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[85]  R. Kellogg,et al.  Pathways to solutions, fixed points, and equilibria , 1983 .

[86]  J. Shoven,et al.  Applied General Equilibrium Models of Taxation and International Trade , 1983 .

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