Design catalogue in a CAE environment for the illustration of tailored forming

Tailored Forming, which is explored in the Collaborative Research Centre 1153 at the Leibniz University Hannover, is a highly sophisticated set of manufacturing technologies that allow producing hybrid forming parts consisting of two different materials. In this paper, two elements of a computer-aided engineering environment are characterized that aims at assisting a designer in synthesis of such components. In order to determine the application potential of Tailored Forming, TRIZ-Reverse and its application is introduced. The resulting Tailored Forming Contradiction Matrix documents the Knowledge of Applicability for this manufacturing technology. Afterwards, design catalogues are discussed as repositories for detailed Tailored Forming Design Knowledge, exemplarily shown for drive components. Both then are integrated to a knowledge-based system that allows reasoning about the design of Tailored Forming components. The resulting concept then may be processed to a computer-aided design (CAD) system as starting point for detailed design, simulation and optimization.